• News
  • Credentials
2024 07/26

Lawyer Gao Peng resolves the client's difficulties, and the client presents a banner as a thank you gesture

Each banner contains a story, each story is filled with a true emotion, and each emotion gives the parties involved a trust and recognition in the work of lawyers. Recently, Mr. Wang, a client, presented a banner with the words "Skilled in Business and Solved Difficulties" to Mr. Hu Jie, a senior partner of Gaopeng Law Firm, expressing full gratitude for his work.

2024 07/25

Gaopeng Yangzhou Data Compliance Team Participated in Drafting the Compliance Guidelines for Generative Artificial Intelligence Data Applications

Recently, the "Compliance Guidelines for Generative Artificial Intelligence Data Applications" group standard (referred to as the "Standard"), initiated and led by the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center and managed by the China Electronics Chamber of Commerce, was officially released and will be implemented on May 1, 2024. Based on the professional influence accumulated through years of continuous cultivation in the field of digital legal services, Director Diao Chenglu of Gaopeng (Yangzhou) Law Firm led the internal data compliance team to be invited to participate in the writing of the "Standard".

2024 07/24

Qingdao branch joins hands with Peninsula City News Hotline to safeguard the people

On the morning of July 23, 2024, at the invitation of the Peninsula City Daily's legal hotline, lawyers Lu Guixia and Zhang Xiaoxiao from Gaopeng (Qingdao) Law Firm participated in a public Q&A session on the theme of "decoration disputes", interacting with citizens online and answering legal questions related to decoration.

2024 07/23

The 20th anniversary celebration of Gaopeng (Yangzhou, Taizhou) Law Firm was successfully held

In this season of lush greenery and gentle summer breeze, Beijing Gaopeng (Yangzhou, Taizhou) Law Firm celebrates its 20th anniversary. On July 20th, by the Mingyue Lake in Yangzhou City, Gao Peng (Yangzhou, Taizhou) gathered with colleagues, partners, and guests from all walks of life to review the past, look forward to the future, and participate in the grand event together.

2024 07/11

Wu Ailing and Yang Dongxue, two lawyers, have been hired as members of the "Eighth Five Year Plan" legal education lecturer team of the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions

To conscientiously implement the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" for the popularisation of the law, establish a sound network for the publicity and education of the rule of law, deepen the publicity and education of the rule of law, and promote the popularisation of the law for the whole people, the Rights and Interests Department of the Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions' Legal Service Centre recently appointed Ailing Wu, senior partner of Gaofeng Law Firm, and Dongxue Yang, partner of the firm, as Recently, the Rights and Interests Department of the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions and the Legal Service Centre of the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions appointed Wu Ailing and Yang Dongxue, both senior partners of Gaopeng Law Firm, as the members of the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" Lecturer Group of Beijing Federation of Trade Unions.

2024 07/04

Lawyer Wang Yu effectively defended and successfully changed the compulsory measure to bail pending trial during the review and prosecution stage

Recently, Lawyer Wang Yu from Gaopeng Law Firm represented a case of forced indecent assault in a certain district of Beijing. After effective defense, the People's Procuratorate approved the arrest for two months and conducted a necessary detention review, ultimately deciding to release on bail pending trial.

2024 06/27

Lawyer Gao Peng represented a certain foreign-related arbitration and obtained excellent results

Recently, the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission made an arbitration award on an international sales contract dispute case represented by Gaopeng Law Firm. The client represented by Gaopeng, as the respondent of the case, achieved excellent results in the applicant's application for the case being withdrawn, and all arbitration costs were borne by the applicant. The team led by Senior Partner Lawyer Jiang Liyong represented the proceedings in this case.

2024 05/27

Lawyers Feng Wei and Yang Fan have effectively defended and released suspects of tax evasion

Recently, in a tax evasion case represented by lawyers Feng Wei and Yang Fan from Gaopeng Law Firm, after effective defense, the prosecutor's office made a decision not to arrest the suspect.

2024 04/19

Gaopeng Law Firm Selected as an External Lawyer for National Financing Guarantee Fund Co., Ltd

Recently, Gaopeng Law Firm stood out in fierce competition through strict selection procedures by National Financing Guarantee Fund Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "National Guarantee Fund") and successfully won the bid and was shortlisted for the National Guarantee Fund's external lawyer pool. This bidding was led and organized by Wei Zhijian, a senior partner at Beijing Gaopeng Law Firm.

2024 04/18

Four cases represented by Lawyer Gao Peng were selected for the "Chaoyang Lawyer's Foreign Legal Services White Paper"

Recently, the Chaoyang District Lawyers Association of Beijing officially released the "Chaoyang Lawyers Foreign Legal Services White Paper" (referred to as the "White Paper") at the Beijing CBD Foreign Legal Services Seminar. Gaopeng Law Firm responded to the work arrangements of the Chaoyang District Lawyers Association and actively submitted project cases. The four cases undertaken by our senior partners, Wang Lei, Jiang Liyong, and Qian Wenjie, were selected as key foreign-related legal service achievements in the "Introduction to Key foreign-related Legal Service Achievements" section of the White Paper.

  • 1998
    Establishment Time
  • 600+
    Personnel Size
  • 18000+
    Number Of Clients
  • 30000+
    Represented Cases

Areas of expertises

Corporation law is one of the main legal service provided by Gaopeng & Partners.

International trade team of Gaopeng & Partners is composed by senior partners and legal and accounting professionals.
The team ranks at the top tier in China for our legal practice and legal performances.

Antitrust law is one of the main legal service provided by Gaopeng & Partners.
Since 2014, we have been recognized as one of the best law firm in Antitrust area by international rating organizations such as Chambers and Whoswholegal.

Gaopeng & Partners provides legal service in Main Board, ChiNext, STAR Market, BSE, NEEQ and overseas capital market. Our capital market legal services include company compliance, restructure and reorganization, IPO and list, M&A, and bond.

Gaopeng & Partners is the perennial legal counsel for many famous domestic and internantional banks and financial institutions.

Financial trust is a economic activity which credit based asset owner commit the trustee to manage the asset for the purpose of getting profit or others.
It is developed and revolved from tangible item trust,and a necessary outcome of modern credit economy.

Gaopeng&Partners has the best legal talents as first part of lawyer practiced in the area of real estate in China.
We accumulated lots of experience by solving our clients’problems,and have a good understanding of clients’legal requirements.

Gaopeng & Partners has a professional fund related legal service team
We have much experience on issuing and listing public funds, registering, amending and recording private funds management institutions, and for the whole process of fund-raising, investing, operating, and withdrawing of private funds.

Gaopeng & Partners has a professional comprehensive legal service team for Japanese enterprises,
Our clients include many world famous Japanese companies.

Civil and commercial dispute resolution has always been the core business of Gaopeng & Partners.
We are capable to deal with latest, complicated and important dispute, and provide professional, efficient and practical resolution to our domestic and international client.

Intellectual property is a business field that Gaopeng has been cultivating for years. Our businesses include US 337 investigations, data and privacy protection, patents, trademarks, copyrights, new plant varieties, anti-unfair competition, anti-counterfeiting, anti-monopoly related to intellectual property abuse, trade secrets, domain names, E-commerce, network transmission, cultural media, franchising and many other fields. Gaopeng has helped many multinational companies in computer software and hardware, medical equipment, consumer goods, semiconductors and communications industries to protect their intellectual property rights in China. At the same time, we have also helped many Chinese companies design and implement their global intellectual property strategies, providing integrated service on intellectual property acquisition, management, infringement litigation and other complex challenges faced by customers, helping them maximize the value of intellectual property rights. In the field of new plant varieties, Gaopeng provides legal services including the application and protection of new plant variety rights, drafting and revision of new plant variety contracts, settlement of civil and administrative disputes over new plant variety rights, and legal services on intellectual property rights and non-litigation issues in the field of seed industry.

Maritime lawyers at Gaopeng & Partners have long been rendering legal services related to shipping disputes and non-contentious matters in maritime business to trading companies, freight forwarders, logistics companies,ship owners, operators, charters, shipping agents and P&I clubs.

Gaopeng is one of the first PRC law firms that has a distinguished practice in Chinese media, entertainment and sports industries.
We have a deep understanding in those industries, summarized the periodical industrial questions and figured out the solutions. Therefore we could efficiently satisfy clients’ requirements.

Gaopeng has rich experiences in rendering the professional legal service for renowned domestic enterprises in the areas of auto spare parts industry, entire car assemblage, import & export of auto products, sale of auto products, etc. We have a team of experienced lawyers specialized in auto industry.

We counsel legal opinion for big commercial enterprises and retailors
Help enterprises to avoid potential legal risks and help them to operate stably, save cost, and avoid loss of economy and commercial reputation.

For many years Gaopeng&Partners continue to serve in life science and medical health area
We focuse on understanding and studying the frontier questions of life science and creative development of technology.We have excellent lawyer team and have precise and timely understanding for any update of laws and policies in this industry.

Gaopeng lawyers focus on domestic education legal service for more than 20 years
We have professional education organization legal service team.We have long time been entrusted as the legal counsel of educational administrative department and many high schools and primary schools.

Gaopeng is the counsel for the PRC State Tobacco Administration since 2001,and we have a professional industry team.

Gaopeng & Partners were listed in the first 100 bankruptcy administrators approved by Beijing Senior People’s Court in 2007 and again listed in the second 50 bankruptcy administrators in 2018.
For years, Gaopeng & Partners rely on solid cooperation between each offices and build a good reputation of our bankruptcy practice in North China and Yangtze Delta Area.

Gaopeng&Partners have affluent experience in the areas of disposal of non-performing assets,debt restructure,debt/equity swap,asset management,asset sale,asset lease,asset replacement,and asset securitization.

Corporation law system in our country has become well established day by day, the market identities face more and more supervision in their daily operation.
Under this background, it has been more important to enhance the build of corporation compliance and corporation governance.

Big data era enlarged the racetrack of market competition, and confer big commercial value on the data enterprises owned.
Under this background, the market identities will take advantages once they well utilize their data resource.

Our lawyers in tax law team graduated from famous universities with major of tax law.
The team holds the principle of “capable to prevent and solve tax risks and solve”, focuses on tax dispute resolution for ten years, and has provided tax law service to dozens of national and local tax authorities, and taxpayers.

It’s hard to start business and maintain the wealth.
When Chinese people ahead on the road of common rich, it’s important for the rich individuals and families to create, manage, and inherit their wealth.

Our lawyers in marital and family law practice graduated from famous Chinese law schools, some of them have abundant experience of civil and commercial trail.
They are good at dealing with all kinds of marital and inherit cases.

Widely considered as one of earliest and foremost specialized team of assembled practitioners
Gaopeng & Partners’ Labor and Human Resources (HR) Practice Group was established for the purpose of providing professional legal services for our clients in this area of law.

Insurance team of Gaopeng & Partners help insurance company, insured and insurance intermediary institution to cope with insurance dispute and other dispute of asset insurance and life insurance,
and represent client in insurance compliance and other non-litigation legal affairs.

Criminal practice of Gaopeng & Partners is one of our advantage business.
Our criminal lawyers are professional attorneys with good knowledge of company law, financial law and criminal law.

Gaopeng has acted as legal counsel for many large state owned enterprises, private enterprises, and publicly listed companies. Gaopeng also works with funds and financial institutions on overseas investment, financing, and cooperation projects such as FDIs, mergers and acquisitions, and engineering contracting. We also assist clients in the acquisition of overseas resources, technologies, brands, and markets as well as in the implementation of their global strategies.

Under the background of "Double Carbon", the ecological and environmental legal system and environmental judicial system have been preliminarily established, the concept of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) has become the frontier issues of enterprise development, which brings great opportunities to the resource and environmental legal business.

With the rapid development of the network economy and e-commerce, as well as the rapid progress of digital information and communication technology, the proportion of cross-border e-commerce (i.e. digital trade) in international trade of goods and services is growing faster and faster.